With the coming of spring here are a few informational reminders for village residents.

Trash & recycle containers are not to be at the street 12 hours prior to pick up and 12 hours after pick up.
From the end of October to the end of November – all other times they must be bagged in biodegradable (paper) bags.
Monday's – must be in a biodegradable (paper) bag, at the curb no later than 7 am. And weigh less than 50 lbs.  No dirt or sod.
Monday's – material must be placed at the roadside no later than 7 am. Cut ends facing towards the street.  Material must be easily handled by one person. Vines, leaves, & brush with root mass attached, rose & other thorn bushes, firewood, fence posts, landscape timbers & limbs with wire or nails will not be picked up.  Any work performed by a contractor shall be the contractor's responsibility to dispose of.

*If something circumstantial comes up on Mondays or if there are any weather issues, we will get it on Tuesday or the next allowable day.